Make Art Everyday, It is Just That Easy

I had the honor of teaching printmaking in the Cal State San Bernardino Art Department after the retirement of the great artist, Joe Moran, who taught printmaking at CSUSB for more than four decades.  Joe was a memorable mentor to me not just because of his work ethic, but because of his ease with life.  He never really fretted too much about anything.  He enjoyed making art, he enjoyed teaching art and that was enough.

Joe was also an excellent example of how to work intuitively, but most of all, how to work every day.  His endless collection of daily collages are satirical, political and self-reflective of his Mexican heritage.  His artworks by design are a bit reminiscent of Faith Ringgold’s story quilts with bold frames, text narratives and central images.

It was with much sadness that I heard of Joe’s passing back in October of 2010. His daily narratives would be no more. Now these many years later, every time I walk into the printmaking room at CSUSB, I think of Joe and still feel his influence there. I remember his legacy: hard work with art and ease with life. I pledge again to take a deep breath and get back to work every day.  It is just that easy. Thanks Joe.